Friday, December 25, 2015

Last Minute Christmas Prep

So this morning Ken and I proceeded to tidy up for our fun Family Christmas exchange later this afternoon. (Can't wait!)

I am happily doing some last minute dusting and tweaking some living room decorations when I hear in a frustrated voice, "Mol, what's this stuff on my drafting table?" Translation = Drop whatever you are doing and tell me what 'this stuff' is. His one and only job was done, so he decided to clean his office! No one, mind you not one person coming today will step foot in there.  But sure, Honey pick Christmas morning to de-clutter.

I patiently answered him.

A few minutes later, "Where do you want me to put this?" Translation = Drop whatever you are doing again and come and see what I am talking about." 

I tell him (not so patiently!) "You know Hon, it's not WHAT you are asking me, but HOW you are asking me that is a little bit irritating! You could say something like - - "Hon, I know you're busy, but when you get a chance would you tell me where to put this? He rolls his eyes and responds. "Yes, dear."

As I walk away, I hear the shredder hard at work. I yelled out to him, "Is that our Marriage License?" "Yep" he said. 

Merry Christmas Everyone :)    

Love, Bubble Girl (Single Again)